Vegetable Glycerine (500ml)

8,90 inc. VAT


Vegetable Glycerine EP/USP Grade

Vegetable glycerine is a clear, colourless and odourless, hygroscopic, viscous liquid with a purity of 99.7% minimum. It is a pure and natural allergen free product, derived from a variety of natural sources. It is completely biodegradable and therefore creates minimal environmental impact.

Glycerin, Glycerine, Glycerol, 1,2,3 propane triol, Trihydroxy propane.

Manufactured Refinery Specifications

  • European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Specification.
  • United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Specification.

Typical Applications

  • Key component in electronic cigarette production.
  • Moisturiser in soap production and other personal hygiene products.
  • Ingredient in herbal remedies and homeopathic applications.
  • An excellent ingredient for fishing bait.
  • Used in Nurseries/Schools – When added to soapy water it helps to produce great big bubbles.
  • As a base for certain antifreeze preparations.